

题 目:Secret Sharing and Its Applications
内容简介:In this talk, I will briefly introduce Shamirs scheme and point out some interesting properties. Then, I will introduce some related research problems to the secret sharing, including secure and fair secret reconstruction, verifiable secret sharing, multi-secret sharing, cheater detection and identification in the secret reconstruction. Applications using the secret sharing will also be discussed, such as group key establishment in group communications and group authentication. Finally, I will briefly introduce my recent research paper on the implementation of a general secret sharing
报告人:美国密苏里大学-堪萨斯分校(University of Missouri-Kansas City) Lein Harn 教授
报告人简介:His research interests include cryptography, network security, and wireless communication security. He has published a number of papers on digital signature design and applications and wireless and network security. He has written two books on security. He is currently investigating new ways of using secret sharing in various applications
时 间:2014年6月23日(周一)下午3:00始
地 点:南海楼338室